Down to Earth Dave’s Post of the Day–April 17

Salutations, Gentle Reader,

I generally tune my radio either to WCBS-880 AM or WNYC 93.7 FM as I’m puttering around the apartment in the morning.  Usually, it WNYC, unless it’s Fund Drive time for NPR.  Today, during the MarketPlace report at 6:50, I heard an interesting story.  Supposedly, some researchers somewhere have determined that workers who consume a lot of caffeine are more inclined to choose ethical behaviour.  Ironically, those who are sleep deprived tend to cut corners with regard to ethics.  Hmmmm, does that mean that if one drinks several cups of coffee because they don’t sleep well are in balance?  You really should know, Gentle Reader, coffee is my beverage of choice.  I drink a lot of coffee.  I came by it  honestly, though.  So did my dad, RIP. Image

That report also caused me to think more about the Word of the Day.  I had originally planned to suggest Niff:  an pungent, unpleasant smell.  I changed my mind, though.  I’d rather offer you something that deals with honesty.

Word of the Day:  PREVARICATE

PREVARICATE:  to lie, to share a falsehood

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REAL ESTATE CONNECTION:  Oh. My. Word.  Gentle Reader, if there were any way in which I could begin to explain how prevarication affects my real estate business.  Fortunately, I deal with more people who are truthful than those who are not.  Nevertheless, when people lie:  property owners or managers, leasing agents, fellow agents, clients, etc., it truly bogs down someone’s efforts to connect people and either homes or places for commerce.  Let’s face it:  lying bogs down everything.  No one likes unpleasant surprises, which are typically the result of lies.  C’mon.  Suck it up and just tell the truth.

CHALLENGE:  Consider the beauty of truth.  And go enjoy a really amazing cup of coffee!  Image

Remain calm, and speak well.

Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to the planet and the future.  Cause no suffering.  Go Vegan.
