Down to Earth Dave’s Post of the Day–December 11

Salutations, Gentle Reader,

Shall we sharpen our rhetoric a bit?  Thank you for allowing me to offer a word, not as obscure as most I share, but underused.

Today’s Word:  CLARION

CLARION:  (N) a medieval trumpet with loud, shrill tones; the sound of a clarion.  (ADJ) brilliantly clear; loud and clear

Real Estate Connection:  There really isn’t a clarion connection of this word to real estate, although I would posit that the astute real estate professional is able to hear true clarion wants and needs of clients even when they speak with confusion.  I actually recall hearing the word “clarion” in a hymn we occasionally sang at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Clemson, SC:

God the Omnipotent King who ordainest

Thunder thy clarion, Thy Lightning thy sword.

Show forth thy pity on high where thou reignest,

Give to us peace in our time, O Lord.

The name of the musical composition is “Russia”, and its refrains are included in Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.

Commentary and Challenge:  I believe each of us has certain clarion calls to which we respond.  We also have clarion calls which we are called to make.  Lately, my deeper insight in the morality of being vegan has led me to promote it more.  It is a healthy lifestyle that benefits all.  Animals no longer suffer.  World hunger is combated.  Global warming is diminished.  These are just three reasons to consider my latest clarion:  Go Vegan!

What is/are the clarion calls that you make and/or to which you respond?

Remain calm, and speak well.

Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to the planet.  Cause no suffering.  Go Vegan!
