Down to Earth Dave’s Post of the Day–April 15

Salutations, Gentle Reader,

Oh! Loathsome Day! Tax Day is here. The Ides of April. Booooooo!

Wait. Why am I carrying on so? Do I not benefit from services that are administered by governments, financed by taxes?  Yes, I do. Why join the hysteria?  Mob mentality, I suppose. Thank goodness for Tuesday Muse Day.

Gentle Reader, I confess I did something largely out of character yesterday: I came close to losing my temper at the office. It was late, and one of the younger agents jested about eating chicken. I rather snarkily responded. A quick devolution ensued, the debate revolving about whether humans are physiologically closer to herbivores or carnivores or omnivores. Suddenly, I was filled with the images of animals being slaughtered, as well as those humans who are needlessly starving because of the environmental damage inflicted upon Earth by the effects of raising animals to be killed for no need. I thought of cows that are artificially inseminated and impregnated, just to have their newborn calves wrested from them just so we can be the only species on the planet that consumes the milk of another species and past our normal weaning age. Those same cows, that would naturally live for an average of 25 years, are lucky to live for four years. I thought of newborn male chicks that are thrown into grinders while they’re still alive because they can’t lay eggs and even with hormones and antibiotics won’t grow quickly enough to be killed so their flesh can be consumed. This is what flooded into my sentience, and I became angry. I pointedly asked for  the conversation to end. Luckily, my colleagues obliged.


But it wasn’t just the affront to my Vegan principles, it’s the culmination of the stress that I’ve endured lately. It’s challenging my training in Landmark. It’s challenging my nature to remain upbeat. It’s challenging my stamina and my dedication to diplomacy and gentility. I’m weary.

Real estate can be a tough trade. As I met with one of the protégés, who incidentally is being officially assigned to another senior agent, I gave him a 5-step check off for success.

  1. declare the power of your word
  2. clear the space to create
  3. declare the possibility of the success and create it by naming it
  4. enroll and register the support of others that will bring about the success
  5. live into the creation

As we continued our brunch, I offered to explain. As he wanted more information, I started by expounding on the first point, the power of word. In less than two minutes,the conversation went off the rails. New to our profession, he’s already convinced that he must embellish ads to attract clients. We each used hyperbole and nuance to support our primary thesis. I didn’t sway him. Honestly, I didn’t try to. What surprised him was that I told him to throw away the cocktail napkin on which I wrote the 5 steps. I said, “You are not ready for this. Ball it up and toss it.” He didn’t. I didn’t expect him to. I achieved what I had set out to achieve: I established the conditions by which he is now contemplating the power of word.

Gentle Reader, I am not certain how much of my ire yesterday was connected to my genuine concern for this planet and all living creatures that roam her surface, being weary from too much distress and too little sleep, or something else. What I do know is that the incident affords me the opportunity to honor my word. I will be true to myself as a dedicated Vegan and not silence my voice for those who have no voice, but I will also honor my word as a gentleman and apologize to my colleagues for speaking to them in anger.

Who I am is my word.

Remain calm, and speak well.

Be kind to yourself. Be kind to the planet and the future. Cause no suffering. Go Vegan!


Down to Earth Dave’s Post of the Day–March 4

Salutations, Gentle Reader,

Thank you for indulging me in another of my Tuesday Muse Day chronicles.  In about an hour, I’m going to meet with my protege and draft a template he can use in making initial telephone contact with leads to gain better insight about them and their housing needs, as well as the financial information that is needed to determine that an application on an apartment has a likely chance of being accepted.  It can be a daunting task.  After all, although the potential client has made some sort of contact with us about a listing, we are still entering their space–albeit via telephone.  What’s going on on the other side?  I know the realty, but what’s the reality?

I concluded several years ago that George Orwell was absolutely correct in his contention that if Big Brother says 2 + 2 = 5, then it’s 5.  Perception is reality, because one’s perception is what she or he knows.  Granted, perceptions can, should and do change; and as they do, so do the connected realities. The constant change sets the potential for conflict between those more willing to release long held perceptions and those who tightly embrace traditions.  Or, as Tevye the Milkman said in Fiddler on the Roof, “Why do we do this?  I don’t know, except it is tradition!”

Before I digress too much further, let me come back to the template I will help draft.  I am at ease in conversation.  Gentle Reader, to read my words is almost the same thing as hearing me speak.  I list towards the formal, tack towards the eloquent.  My protege’s rhetoric is simpler; his delivery is nervous.  Incidentally, I welcome the nervousness; it reveals to me that he has energy and concern.  Apathy is the kiss of death in communications.  Apathy’s callous disregard, its matter-of-factual proclamation of “I. Don’t. Care,” is much more of an impediment than anger, joy, nervousness, or sorrow–than passion.  Passion, tempered by reason and nourished by life itself, drives the effort to convey and receive the knowledge that generates the wisdom to expand, maintain, or relinquish perceptions until the new realities are firm yet again.  At least, until the next time.

Remain calm, and speak well.

Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to the planet and the future.  Cause no suffering.  Go Vegan!
