Down to Earth Dave’s Post of the Day–March 12


Salutations, Gentle Reader,

Yesterday, the brokerage with which I proudly affiliate, Sommerlyn Associates, offered its gratitude to clients and friends, and its cooperation to our colleagues in other brokerages with a champagne reception at a rooftop lounge, Monarch, a mere block from the Empire State Building. The weather was perfect. The turnout, stellar. The mood, mirthful. I had the privilege of not only seeing some of my clients and meeting some new contacts, including the Mayor of Harlem, but the personal satisfaction of being joined by the Captain. He hit it off with everyone and engaged in conversation with J2 and two of my clients who now reside in FiDi. As we were leaving, he pointed out, “You know, New Yorkers aren’t necessarily markedly different from people in other parts of the country. We just have far better scenery and settings.”Image

I hope to ride this current sense of ebullience to effective transact some business; nevertheless, I most beware of today’s shaft in our collective rhetorical quiver.

Today’s Word:  INDURATIZE

INDURATIZE:  to make one’s own heart hardened or resistant to someone’s pleas or advances, or to the idea of love

REAL ESTATE CONNECTION:  The property search process is not for the faint of heart. It’s stressful.  In a place like NYC, where housing costs are outrageous to begin with, the stress can reach astronomical proportions.  The heart can easily rule the head in real estate matters, a fact that devious practitioners take advantage of.  Some people jump into an application too soon.  Others, jaded by the whole process, induratize and respond too slowly.  Gentle Reader, you know me:  I advocate balance.

ImageCHALLENGE:  In what areas of life have you become induratized?  Why do you think that is so?  Is it something you should be concerned about?  Why or why not?

Remain calm, and speak well.

Be kind to yourself.  Be kind to the planet and the future.  Cause no suffering.  Go Vegan!





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